Banger Heat Mayhem
The Drivers
Full Metal Jack-Up
Driver Database
Unofficial Meetings
Team No Fear

Here is a profile on each of the current drivers for Team No Fear...

Name: Guy Gallington
Nickname: Hair
Number: 624
Current Chassis Racing in Team: Crown
Why?: Solid, Fast, and jus' Top Jap Tin
How Long Have You Raced for No Fear?: Since the Start!!!
When Do You Rcae For Them?: UKDirt Team Meets, Team Series and when ever else theres a team meeting! 
Why Do You Enjoy Racing for Them?: I don't!!, only joking! We are all great mates, and work well as a team.

Stand-in drivers that have appeared for the team are:
258 HAcK
36   Big Ben
Thanx Lads!!

Hair in Action
Taking out Freddy @ BHTS rd1 - Blackburn

Rest of the Team to Follow Shortly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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